Let's set the table together.

Inspiring moments and memories shared around The Table Together.

What's Cooking? Sunday Supper Reveal

It has been full-on testing mode around the test kitchen this past week. I am either enjoying the labor of my week or possibly making a salad and calling it at that!

Whatever it is that you are enjoying for Sunday supper, I hope that you find time to gather your friends and family around the table together.

Cheers to starting a new tradition around the table together!



Tiffany Lewis

Founder and true believer in the power of bringing people around The Table Together!


Mom's Belated Birthday

Tonight my mom and I are heading out for her birthday dinner. It’s a huge surprise, sorry I cannot share, but we are dressing up for a lovely evening on the town. Get ready mom, we are celebrating in style!

Whatever you are gathering to for Sunday Supper, I hope that you find time to gather your friends and family around the table together.

Cheers to starting a new tradition around the table together!




Tiffany Lewis

Founder and true believer in the power of bringing people around The Table Together!

Mom is in Town

This weekend my mom is in town and we are heading out to celebrate her belated birthday. I cannot say where we are going, because it is a surprise of course, but it’s going to be incredible!

Whatever it is that you are celebrating this weekend, I hope that you find time to gather your friends and family around the table together!

Cheers to starting a new tradition around the table together!




Tiffany Lewis

Founder and true believer in the power of bringing people around The Table Together!

Unbleached Vs. Bleached All-Purpose Flour

Have you ever wondered what the difference between unbleached and bleached flour is? Quite often a recipe won’t decipher which one to use, so which one should you stock your pantry with as a good baseline? There are so many questions around the difference and which one is “better” that I hope I can help bring some clarity.

Unbleached All-Purpose Flour:

Unbleached all-purpose flour is the most versatile flour for the home kitchen and can be used in everything from dredging chicken to making muffins and even pie-crust. It’s a great staple to have on hand.  My absolutely favorite brand, and the only one I stock my pantry with, is King Arthurs!

Bleached All-Purpose Flour:

In this case, as the name may suggest, a bleaching agent (chemicals like chlorine) are added to brighten the color. If you look at them side by side, bleached flour is whiter. The process of bleaching flour also lowers the protein count, which results in a softer and tenderer product when used in baked goods.  Some recipes specifically call for “bleached,” but unless the recipe specially calls for it, I always use “unbleached.” King Arthurs doesn’t carry “bleached” flour and you may have a hard time finding it, especially at places like Whole Foods.

Want to know more? Check out King Arthur’s website, and this link in particular:

King Arthurs 

Cheers to starting a new tradition around the table together!


Tiffany Lewis

Founder and true believer in the power of bringing people around The Table Together!

Sunday Supper Reveal: Test Kitchen Leftovers

It has been a busy week here in the test kitchen and my fridge is showing the benefits of it. I may invite a few friends over for a Sunday smorgasbord of this and that. Sometimes it isn’t about the food but about the company, and this evening, it’s all about the company!

Whatever it is that you are gathering to this evening, I hope that you find time to gather your friends and family around the table together.

Cheers to starting a new tradition around the table together!



Tiffany Lewis

Founder and true believer in the power of bringing people around The Table Together!

Farmer's Market Reveal

If you haven’t had a chance to take a trip to the farmers market recently, I highly recommend that you do! With cold weather we see an abundance of citrus and many varieties at that. From blood oranges to grapefruit and pomelos, there is a bounty of citrus to choose from.  Also in full bloom at the market are cabbages including cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and broccoli, root vegetables like turnips, rutabagas, carrots and parsnips, and of course, plenty of beets, potatoes, mushrooms and different varieties of onions, to name a few of the highlights

Shopping at Farmers Markets is a wonderful way to eat seasonally, fresh and to learn about what it is that you are eating and feeding your family and friends. Plus, the farmers quite often have great tips on preparing and cooking their product as chances are, they have an abundance of it in their own kitchen. In addition, you are supporting local farmers and growers that make a living off of their land taking great pride in their product.

There are farmers markets every day of the week and chances are, you will find one close to you! So go ahead, ask around and start shopping!

Cheers to starting a new tradition around the table together!


Tiffany Lewis

Founder and true believer in the power of bringing people around The Table Together!

Cheers to Making this your Best Year Yet!!!

Here we are!!! It is 2015 and New Years Resolutions are written down with high aspirations for reaching them. I say, why not make this your best year yet by making New Year Resolutions top priority! Whether you tape them to your bathroom mirror, put them on sticky notes and scatter them around the house for constant reminders or set calendar notifications with daily words of encouragement, whatever works for you in obtaining the goal at large, write it down and put it front and center! Whatever your New Years resolution(s) may be, let’s make this your best year yet by sticking to them. 

The Table Together not only offers great tips and recipes to gather your friends and family around the table together, it offers constant motivation, inspiration and insight into ways to keep the sneakers by the door and sweet-tooth’s at bay. Most importantly, I am not here to be your drill sergeant and to tell you that you cannot have any sweets and must workout every day. I am here to be your cheerleader and to help you realize that everything can be achieved in moderation and that moderation is the surest way of keeping realistic goals.  Want to learn how to cook healthy meals? Let me help you! Want to start training for a half-marathon? I have a perfect running plan for you. Want to spend more time reading? I offer daily tips, motivation and articles around food and general well being. Whatever it is that you aspire to in 2015, let’s make it happen!

Now with that, go grab your sneakers and let’s hit the pavement! We have some work to do and I cannot wait to get started with you!!!

Happy New Year and cheers to making 2015 your best year yet!!!

Cheers to starting a new tradition around the table together!



Tiffany Lewis

Founder and true believer in the power of bringing people around The Table Together!