Brown Vs. White Eggs
When looking for eggs, we are faced with lots of choices. We understand the differences between free-range, large, extra large, jumbo, “natural,” and organic but what’s the scoop on white and brown eggs? I did a little digging to bring you the skinny and hopefully, to help shed some light.
Most people think that brown eggs are better, have richer yolks and tougher shells, but actually, that isn’t the case. Brown and white eggs share all of the same attributes other than the chicken that laid them. White eggs are laid by white feathered chickens and brown eggs are laid by red feathered chickens. Really, it’s as simple as that.
So before you spend another afternoon “humming and hawing” in the egg aisle, consider the above and pick a color; any color!
Cheers to starting a new tradition around the table together!
Tiffany Lewis
Founder and true believer in the power of bringing people around The Table Together!