Committing to YOUR New Year Resolutions!!
Photo by Azzura Photography
It’s 2015 and have our New Year’s Resolutions going in full gear, but what’s going to keep them going for the rest of the year? By having a plan, goals, milestones and rewards along the way, the resolution stays constant and most importantly, becomes a way of life.
Here are a few tips to help keep your New Years Resolution on tack and going strong straight to 2016:
What’s the goal? Have you written it down?
- Be clear with what it is that you are striving for and write it down!
- Put it where you will see it, on your mirror, in your car cup holder, on the fridge, on your desk, whatever makes sense and whatever will bring constant focus toward your goal.
- Do you have measureable ways of tracking progress? What will it look like when you have completed your resolution?
- You need to set a goal for yourself and make it clear. By adding measurable deliverables and tracking them, you can see progress and an end.
Set rewards:
- I always recommend finding ways to reward yourself for all of your effort, dedication and commitment.
- Make reaching goals fun and rewarding. Whether it’s after the first 5 pounds, completed half marathon or week at the gym, write down those milestones and reward yourself.
- Maybe it’s a massage, new tennis shoes, bathing suit, outfit, date night, babysitter, or a trip to the beach. Make it relevant and meaningful to you!
The skinny on dieting:
- The most important component to any long-lasting diet is creating a realistic way to incorporate the diet as part of your everyday life. It has to be realistic, achievable and attainable.
- The best way to do this is by writing down absolutely everything you eat. The bite of your kids mac and cheese, the sip of milkshake, the apple, the cookie, write it down! There is no shame here, just a way of tracking where those extra calories are coming from and if you really need them.
- After a few days you will clearly see that a lot more is coming in than is really needed and you can focus your energy on making room for calories that really count. Do I really want to write down that cookie?
- Hold yourself accountable and remember, you are only cheating yourself by not writing down every morsel, crumb and bite.
The skinny about hitting the gym:
- I always look around the gym come January 2 and see how my once quiet gym now has a waiting list at the 6 a.m. spin class. By February the list gets shorter and shorter as well, life happens and those New Year “Resolutioners” drop off. Don’t let that statistic include you! Schedule time for working out in your calendar and hold yourself accountable.
- Write down what days you are going and exactly what you are focusing on. Monday: arms, back, abs, 30 min cardio. Tuesday: Spin class, abs. Whatever it is, write it down, schedule it and hold to that schedule.
- Look at your gym as a date, you wouldn’t let them down by backing out last minute, or would you? Whatever motivation gets you there, take it! Whether it is a trainer to help build a schedule, new shoes, upbeat playlist, or workout clothes, make going to the gym as enjoyable as possible with a few basic essentials.
- Print the class schedule for the month, highlight what you want to take, enlist a friend to come with you, and GO!
Regardless of the above, the one thing I want you to take away is that this is your year. Make this goal personal, take it head on and tell it whose boss! Make it happen for yourself and reap the benefits come 2016!
Cheers to starting a new tradition around the table together!
Tiffany Lewis
Founder and true believer in the power of bringing people around The Table Together!