Weekend Happenings: Spending Time Outdoors!
Whatever it is that I decide to do this weekend, I want to be outdoors basking in the sun (hopefully), even if it is cold! One of my New Years Resolutions is spending more time outdoors and finding time in my day to do so. I know we don’t all have the luxury of stepping outside in the middle of the day with work and all, but if there is a moment where you can even walk around the block or building, do so! Just a few fresh breaths of crisp winter air can awaken your senses and give you more energy than a venti Americano! And that my friends, is saying a lot!
Whatever it is that you are getting into this weekend, I hope that you find time to gather your friends and family around the table together.
Cheers to starting a new tradition around the table together!
Tiffany Lewis
Founder and true believer in the power of bringing people around The Table Together!