Let's set the table together.

Inspiring moments and memories shared around The Table Together.

Impromptu Dinner

With my sister being in town this weekend, I haven’t had time to hit the grocery store. Where Sunday’s are usually spent around the table together with friends and family, tonight’s dinner will be more impromptu.  A little of this and a little of that, simple, quick and most importantly, delicious!

Whatever it is that you are gathering to this evening, I hope that you find time to gather your friends and family around the table together.

Cheers to starting a new tradition around the table together!




Tiffany Lewis

Founder and true believer in the power of bringing people around The Table Together!

Sunday Supper: Leftovers!

By now you may be ready to move on from Thanksgiving leftovers, but for me, I’m holding on for dear life! Think about it, chances are you may not have pumpkin pie or stuffing for a whole year! That idea alone seems tragic.

One idea for Sunday supper tomorrow, is to make a pumpkin pie milkshake for dessert. Simply throw a slice (crust and all) in the blender with a few scoops of ice cream and splash of milk. Adjust with more or less ice cream for desired thickness and serve with leftover whipping cream.  Now, how is that for easy and delicious!

Whatever you are gathering to for Sunday supper tomorrow, I hope that you find time to gather your friends and family around the table together!


Cheers to starting a new tradition around the table together!




Tiffany Lewis

Founder and true believer in the power of bringing people around The Table Together!

Sunday Supper Reveal: Leftovers!

Between testing Thanksgiving dinner the last several weeks in my test kitchen to Thanksgiving cooking classes at Sur La Table and Williams Sonoma, you think I would be ready to move on. To buy my Christmas tree, decorate my home, start the continuous replay of Christmas tunes on spotify, bring out the mulling spices, and plan my ultimate Christmas brunch and dinner! Well, I am actually more excited than ever as all of this testing and tasting has left me craving for more. I think it may be the pumpkin pie and pecan tart, but regardless, bring on the Turkey with all the fixings. But whatever you do, don’t you dare skimp on my pumpkin pie!

Tonight we are working our way through the week’s leftovers, which mostly include Thanksgiving Day staples. I suppose you can call this a little “tease” before this Thursday’s feast!

Whatever it is that you are making for Sunday supper this evening, I hope that you find time to gather your friends and family around the table together!

Cheers to starting a new tradition around the table together!



Tiffany Lewis

Founder and true believer in the power of bringing people around The Table Together!

Weekend Happenings!

With less than a week until Thanksgiving, I am using this weekend to fully prepare (both mentally and physically) for the week ahead. Starting on Monday, my complete focus (not that it hasn’t already been) will be around Thanksgiving Day. Finishing touches, last minute shopping, baking, cooking, organizing are all on my list. And of course, I will find time to workout this weekend as I want to go into the big day with just a little less guilt when I ask for a sampling of all desserts. Can you blame me?

Besides preparing for Thanksgiving, I have one last Thanksgiving cooking class at Williams Sonoma called “Thanksgiving Desserts.” I’m counting on a “sweet” class with lots of samples!

What are you getting into this weekend? How are your Thanksgiving plans going? I have great overviews on everything from shopping to creating a production list (all posted earlier this week) that can help streamline your to-do list while answering all of your questions.

Whatever it is that you have planned for the weekend, I hope that you find time to gather your friends and family around the table together!

Cheers to starting a new tradition around the table together!



Tiffany Lewis

Founder and true believer in the power of bringing people around The Table Together!

1 Week Countdown!! Turkey-Day Menu & Ordering Questions Answered!

Turkey: What size turkey should I order? One of the most commonly asked question come November 1st, is regarding the size of bird to order: There are several guides out there that will help you based on the amount of guests, but I usually play it safe by averaging 1 ½ pounds of turkey per 1 adult. This amount also accounts for a little leftover, at least at my house it does. A great tip that I recently learned was to not purchase a turkey over 15 – 17 pounds. If you need a turkey larger than this, consider getting two. Trying to roast a bird over 15 – 17 pounds tends to dry it out before it has finished cooking.

Mashed Potatoes: What type of potato should I use and how many should I buy for mashed potatoes? The second most commonly asked question is in regard to the mashed potatoes: I like to use Yukon gold potatoes because the skin is thinner and you don’t have to peel them. They also tend to have a buttery texture when mashed and that in it self is a selling point in my book. As far as how many Yukon potatoes to purchase, I average 1 large Yukon potato per person. Of course you can peel them if you want to, but I tend to prefer the skin left on as it gives a nice textural difference.

Sweets: What should I make and how many? As far as your sweets go, I always make a few different pies and even sometimes, smaller treats like chocolate bark, 7-layer bars or fudge for those that may not fancy pie. Keep in mind, people often splurge on Thanksgiving dinner so account for 2 slices of pie per person (1 of each). And, if time allows, I always make an extra pumpkin pie because it will keep several days following Thanksgiving and often doesn’t last its expiration date. Plus, there are some (don’t look at me) that will quite possibly want a second slice. Don’t judge, I worked hard today!

Prepare your fridge, pantry, spice drawer, oils, & counter space! And last but not least, organizing your kitchen so it is ready for the big feast can often take a few days. Start small with tossing out expired dried herbs; they are at their best if kept in a cool dark place for 1 year. Then move on to your oils, check that your roasting pan is accessible, and figure out how you are going to brine your turkey (if doing so). And last but not least, take a good look at your refrigeration situation and start to plan out what you have room for and where things will be stored.

Cheers to starting a new tradition around the table together!



Tiffany Lewis

Founder and true believer in the power of bringing people around The Table Together!