Sunday Supper: Leftovers!
By now you may be ready to move on from Thanksgiving leftovers, but for me, I’m holding on for dear life! Think about it, chances are you may not have pumpkin pie or stuffing for a whole year! That idea alone seems tragic.
One idea for Sunday supper tomorrow, is to make a pumpkin pie milkshake for dessert. Simply throw a slice (crust and all) in the blender with a few scoops of ice cream and splash of milk. Adjust with more or less ice cream for desired thickness and serve with leftover whipping cream. Now, how is that for easy and delicious!
Whatever you are gathering to for Sunday supper tomorrow, I hope that you find time to gather your friends and family around the table together!
Cheers to starting a new tradition around the table together!
Tiffany Lewis
Founder and true believer in the power of bringing people around The Table Together!