Last Minute T-Day Checklist
Okay, we have talked about Thanksgiving for 2 weeks and I am sure you have everything under control by now. I have everything you need for a smooth and flawless Thanksgiving, including shopping lists, prep lists, recipes, turkey carving tips as well as pointers on cooking and resting your ultimate turkey! Today, I am here to give you a friendly reminder of things that may have been overlooked with all of your preparation this week!
1. Kitchen Staples: Salt, pepper, olive oil, ice, butter, aprons, kitchen towels, oven mitts, instant-read thermometers, paper towels, to-go containers, zip-lock bags, sponges, dish soap, extra garbage bags, votives, etc.! Make sure you spend a few minutes going through all of the “obvious” items that will be critical the day of!
2. Guests: Check in with them to confirm time, what they are bringing and any other details. You may also ask them what they will need when they arrive (oven, fridge, stove-top, counter space, etc.) This way you can be prepared for them and have the oven ready.
3. Table: Is the table set? Do you have place cards? Do you need more votives? Fresh water for the flowers? Etc.
4. Day-Of Timeline: If you haven’t done so already, write one so you have an exact plan for the day. Start backwards: Turkey will take 2 or more hours (let’s say) and therefore needs to go in at <insert time> so that it comes out and rests for 30 minutes before eating. Then include all the sides and even smaller details, like when wine should be opened, when ice should be added to water glasses and when the votives should be lit.
5. Playlist: Do you have a playlist for dinner? This is often something we think about last minute. Take a second to create a dinner playlist and make sure you have enough music to last the entire evening. Also, make sure your music sets the scene and that all age genres will like. I usually settle on the likes of John Mayer or Jack Johnson.
6. Serving Dishes, Pots and Pans: Pull out serving and cooking dishes that you will need. Place them outside the kitchen and out of the way but close enough that you can quickly get them as needed. Add a sticky note to each so you know everything is accounted for and exactly what will be used for what dish. Also, if you need someone to get the dish for you, all you have to say is “the dish for mashed potatoes.”
7. Shopping List & Menu: Go back through your menu to remind yourself of all the components that are needed for each dish. Also, confirm you have all of the ingredients you will need and that you understand your recipes and can easily execute them. Thanksgiving day is not the best time to take on a challenging recipe you have never made before as it will take time away from the others and isn’t a guaranteed success.
All that being said, I hope you are proud of yourself for what you have done and how prepared you are. All in all, a little extra attention to the details will make all the difference allowing more time to visit with family and friends around the table together!
Cheers to starting a new tradition around the table together!
Tiffany Lewis
Founder and true believer in the power of bringing people around The Table Together!