Go Potluck-Style for a Fuss-Free Thanksgiving Feast | Tuesday’s Tip of the Day!
Photo by Nicole Renard
When it comes to hosting Thanksgiving, a successful delicious fuss-free Thanksgiving, the winning combination is part homemade, part store-bought and part potluck! Let’s face it, there is only so much time in a day and we all live busy crazy lives. No one says Thanksgiving should make you a slave to the kitchen but for some reason, it has gotten that rep. Here are a few ways to help lighten your load while making your guests feel as though they have had a working hand in the feast.
Go Potluck Style! Reach out to your guests and ask them specially what they can bring. Trust me, be specific or you may have 8 varieties of dinner rolls. I like to think, and hopefully this is the case in your home, that your friends and family genuinely want to help but just need some direction. So, they don’t cook, or you wouldn’t want to chance it? Ask them to bring wine, cider, rolls from your favorite bakery, or whatever else you may think of. The more involved your guests are in the evening, the better for the both of you.
Use Local Purveyors to Help Lighten the Load! Do a little research whether at your local farmer’s market, bakery, butcher, or other retailer that can help strike a few items off your list. From pre-made spice mixes, gravy starters or enhancers, mulled wine, homemade pies and Parker House Rolls, and even your pre-seasoned or brined turkey, take advantage of them!
And if nothing else, by enlisting some help, you lighten your load allowing more time gathered around the table with family and friends. Isn’t that what Thanksgiving is all about anyway?
For other terrific tips and hundreds of recipes, including dozens perfect for sharing around your Thanksgiving table like my Parker House Rolls, Pumpkin Pie with Gingersnap Crust and Maple Whipping Cream to Foolproof Turkey, Mashed Sweet Potatoes with Toasted Marshmallows, Velvety Smooth Mashed Potatoes, Cranberry Sauce and Cranberry Relish, and Green Beans with Shallots, Toasted Almonds and Cranberries, visit my website (thetabletogether.com). While there, consider “subscribing” and I will send a new tip or blog post directly to your inbox every Tuesday and Wednesday morning!
P.S. Make sure you check out my YouTube channel, The Table Together with Tiffany Lewis, for dozens of videos solely dedicated to bringing all of these fantastic tips and recipes to life!
Cheers to starting a new tradition around The Table Together!
Tiffany Lewis
Founder and true believer in the power of bringing people around The Table Together!