Sticking with your New Year Resolution Goals!
Last week we talked about realistically achieving our New Years Resolution goals straight to 2016. This week, I want to check in with you. How are you feeling? Are you still on track? If not, what got you off track and how are you planning to get back on board?
If you have gotten off track, remember what brought you there in the first place. Was it a scare from the Doctor, a time you want to beat, some weight you want to loose? Use that as your motivation for getting back on schedule and fully committing!
Let’s re-focus our energy and put our site on 2016. Don’t be too hard on yourself and find time to reward yourself once a week. Make your goals realistic and achievable and together, with dedication, motivation and perseverance, yes we can and yes we will!
Cheers to making this the year of YOU!
Tiffany Lewis
Founder and true believer in the power of bringing people around The Table Together!